English Subject

Write a dialogue about the importance of learning English

Write a dialogue about the importance of learning English

Jamal: Hello, Shahida!What are doing?

Shahida: I’m reading an article about the importance of learning English.

Jamal:  Actually English is essential in our every walk of life.

Shahida: It’s an International language. It’s essential for higher education. All the books on higher education of every branch of knowledge are written in English.

Jamal:  It helps a man to a good job and to earn more money.

Shahida: It’s the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. So to maintain daily official correspondence English is a must.

Jamal:  Right you are.n fact, the importance of English can’t be described in words.

Shahida: So all of us learn English.

Jamal:  Thank you for your discussion.

Shahida: You’re welcome.

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Write an application for opening a common room/reading room for all class

Write an application for opening a common room/reading room for all class

10 January 2023

The Headmaster,

Deana High School,

Deana, Daulatpur.

Subject: For opening a common room/reading room.


I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that our school is one of the biggest schools in Daulatpur. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no common room/reading room in our school. As a result, the students spend their leisure hours and off periods either gossipping or roaming aimlessly. This often disturbs the classes. So, we keenly feel the necessity of opening a common room reading room in the school.

.May. I, therefore, pray and hope that your honor would kindly make the necessary arrangements for opening a common room/reading room in our school and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obedient pupil

Joynul Abedin

On behalf of the students

Class viii,

Roll -10


Write an application to the Headmaster for early leave

Write an application to the Headmaster for early leave

14 January 2023

The Headmaster.

Dhanmondi Boys High School.


Sub: For early leave.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am quite unable to stay in the classroom any longer because I am attacked with a cold and fever.

May l, therefore, request you to grant me leave of absence for the remaining periods and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obedient pupil,

Asif Hasan



Write an application to the headmistress of her school asking for leave for all class

Write an application to the headmistress of her school asking for leave for all class

4 January 2023

the headmistress,

Pirbaree Girls High School,


Subject: For leave.

Dear Madam,

This is to inform you that I’m in need of a week’s leave. My father works in Singapore. In a lucky draw. he has won a Dhaka-Singapor-Dhaka ticket with three days of hotel accommodation. He has sent the ticket to me. If l am sanctioned leave, I would be able to join him by the end of September,

I wish you would consider my case and allow me the leave.

Faithfully yours,


Class viii. A

Roll 21.

A Book Fair I Visited for all class of 150 words

A Book Fair I Visited for all class of 150 words

A Book Fair I Visited 

A book fair is an exhibition where different types of books are displayed and sold. Nowadays it has become very popular. I was very lucky to visit the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. Every year, the fair is held on the occasion of the 21st of February to remind us of the struggle and sacrifice in the language movement. The fair is organized by the Bangla Academy authority on the premises of the institution. I went there with some of my friends. When I entered the main gate of the fair, I found a different environment. I saw all sorts of books such as fiction, textbooks, dramas, children’s books, reference books, etc. Men, women, and children of all ages and classes gathered there. From a book stall, I bought some favorite books. In the evening, many poets, novelists,s and writers came to visit the fair. Besides books, other attractive articles


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Price Hike Paragraph easy word used for all class

Price Hike Paragraph easy word used for all class

Price Hike

Price-hike means an unusual increase in the prices of daily necessities. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh and the problem is getting worse day by day. Market syndicate is mostly responsible for this price hike in Bangladesh. Besides, some dishonest people store essential commodities with a view to making huge profits and thus contribute to increased prices. Other factors that cause price hikes are less agricultural production due to natural disasters lack of raw materials, want for speedy communication, political instabilities, money inflation at the national level, etc. Price-hike has created a deplorable condition in our society. Lives of the general public have been posed too great a threat and prices of essential commodities have gone beyond the capacity of the poor and the fixed-income people. More or less, almost people of all classes are suffering from the problem of price-hike. It is a problem that cannot be solved overnight. The Government should take both immediate and long-term drastic steps to reduce price-hike. Any syndicate activities are to be suppressed boldly and inflation of money should be controlled. The agriculture sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public awareness should also be raised against price-hike.

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Our National Flag Paragraph for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 & 12

Our National Flag Paragraph for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 & 12

Our National Flag

A national flag is a piece of fabric with a special coloured design. It may also be used as the token of a particular country. It is the symbol of the independence of a nation. Every nation of the world has a national flag of its own. Bangladesh has also a national flag. The proportion of its length and breadth is 10:6. Our national flag is a piece of rectangular green cloth with a round red disclike patch in the middle. The radius of the red circle is one-fifth of the length of the flag. The green colour represents the admiration of youthful vigour as well as the green fields and the ever-green subtropical forest of Bangladesh. The red circle symbolizes the rising sun with new hopes and aspirations of a new nation. The flag is hoisted every day on top of our important government buildings and educational institutions. It is hoisted everywhere on Independence Day and Victory Day. It is kept half most during the national mourning days. Our national flag always inspires us to dedicate our lives to the greater interest of the country. We can upload its honour by doing our duty to the nation.

বাংলা অর্থসহ

একটি জাতীয় পতাকা হলো একটি পোশাক বস্ত্র যার একটি বিশেষ রঙের ডিজাইন থাকে। এটি একটি নির্দিষ্ট দেশের প্রতীক হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। এটি একটি জাতির স্বাধীনতার প্রতীক। বিশ্বের প্রতিটি দেশেরই একটি নির্দিষ্ট জাতীয় পতাকা আছে। বাংলাদেশেও একটি জাতীয় পতাকা আছে। এর দৈর্ঘ্য এবং প্রস্থের অনুপাত হলো 10:6। আমাদের জাতীয় পতাকা একটি আয়তাকার সবুজ কাপড়ের টুকরো যা মাঝে একটি গোল লাল ডিস্কের মত প্যাচ থাকে। লাল বৃত্তের ব্যাস হলো পতাকার দৈর্ঘ্যের পঞ্চমাংশ। সবুজ রঙটি যুবত্বের প্রশংসা প্রতিস্থান করে, সাথে বাংলাদেশের সবুজ ক্ষেত এবং চিরকাল সবুজ উষ্ণমণ্ডলী বনগুলি প্রতিস্থান করে। লাল বৃত্তটি নতুন আশা এবং একটি নতুন জাতির নতুন আশা সহ উদিত সূর্যকে প্রতীক্ষা করে। পতাকাটি প্রতিদিন আমাদের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সরকারী ভবন এবং শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের শীর্ষে উত্তোলিত হয়। স্বাধীনতা দিবস এবং বিজয় দিবসে প্রতি জায়গায় পতাকা উত্তোলন করা হয়। জাতীয় শোক দিনগুলিতে পতাকা অর্ধেক উত্তোলিত থাকে। আমাদের জাতীয় পতাকা সর্বদা আমাদের উৎসাহিত করে যে আমরা আমাদের দেশের মহান পরিস্থিতির উদ্দেশ্যে আমাদের জীবন সমর্পণ করতে হবে। আমরা জাতির দায়িত্ব পালন করে এর মর্যাদা উপলব্ধ করতে পারি।

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Traffic Jam Paragraph For All Class

Traffic Jam Paragraph For All Class

Traffic Jam

Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns in our country. It usually occurs in the busy areas of a city or town. It is one of the major problems. Every day the city people have to face this unbearable problem. The density of the population is the main cause of traffic jams. The enormous increase in buses, trucks, autorickshaws, and rickshaws is also responsible for this problem. Moreover, the traffic control system is not developed in our country. The drivers want to drive their vehicles at their sweet will. Illegal parking of vehicles is also responsible for traffic jams. It causes untold suffering to the people who move in vehicles as well as on foot. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. This problem can be solved by adopting some effective measures. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Well-planned spacious roads should be constructed. Public awareness is also needed in this respect.


বাংলা অর্থসহ

বৃহত্তর শহর এবং গ্রামগুলিতে যাতায়াত জম হওয়া একটি সাধারণ ঘটনা আমাদের দেশে। এটি সাধারণভাবে একটি শহর বা গ্রামের ব্যস্ত অঞ্চলে ঘটে। এটি একটি প্রধান সমস্যা এবং প্রতিদিন শহরের লোকজন এই অসহ্যযোগ্য সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হতে হয়। জনসংখ্যার বৃদ্ধি যাতায়াত জমের প্রধান কারণ। বাস, ট্রাক, অটোরিকশা এবং রিকশা সংখ্যার অতীত বৃদ্ধি এই সমস্যার জন্য দায়িত্বশীল। উত্তরাধিকারীতা, ট্রাফিক নিয়ন্ত্রণ সিস্টেম আমাদের দেশে উন্নত নেই। চালকরা তাদের যত্ন স্বীকার করতে চান। গাড়ির অবৈধ পার্কিংও যাতায়াত জমের জন্য দায়িত্বশীল। গাড়ি বা পাদচালনা করা লোকেরা অবৈধ পার্কিং এর কারণে অবসান্য যান্ত্রিক দুঃখ ভোগ করে। এটি আমাদের মূল্যবান সময় নষ্ট করে এবং আমাদের কাজগুলি বাধা দেয়। এই সমস্যাটি কিছু কার্যকর উপায় গ্রহণ করে সমাধান করা যাতে সম্ভব। যাতায়াত নিয়মগুলি শক্তিশালীভাবে প্রয়োগ করা উচিত। ভাল পরিকল্পিত প্রশাসিত রাস্তা নির্মাণ করা উচিত। এই সংক্ষেপণীয় প্রকাশ এই সংক্ষিপ্তিতে প্রয়োজন।

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Application for a seat in the school hostel for class 7 8 9 10

Application for a seat in the school hostel for class all

— Month  202…
The Headmaster,
A Govt. High School,
Subject: For a seat in the school hostel.
With due respect, I beg to state that I am a regular student of class X and section A in your school. My father is govt employee. Our family already has been shifted. I have been suffering a lot for want of accommodation. For this reason, my studies are greatly hampered. Besides, I have no relations in these cities. So I am badly in need of a seat in the hostel.
I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider my application of oblige thereby.
Yours obediently,
Sazzad Khan
Class- Vii
Roll- 02



A winter morning paragraph 8, 9, 10

A winter morning paragraph 8, 9, 10

A Winter Morning 

A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun’s rays can not get through. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. The bird’s charging is not heard. The cow and other animals can not come out. But it is not so every morning. Dew drops fall leaves and blades of grass at night. They look like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun fall on them. Village children and people have hardly warm clothes. They gather straw and dry leaves to make a fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go to their respective places. On a winter morning, one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, pais of date juice, and many other things. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. The sun goes up and the fog melts. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.


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